April 14, 1994 - September 26, 2005

The vet called him "Fluff" (as in "Marshmallow" with legs),
but he was our "Best-est Guy"
Adam, an eleven year old, American Staffordshire Terrier (AmStaff), was loving, patient and a big HAM. He could
bring a smile to your face with his outgoing and often goofy personality. Emma and Jezzy, the Tease Twins, just
couldn't get him riled, but a squirrel or rabbit really put a kick in his step. Adam's favorite pass-times were chasing
"his" ball, chewing "his" bone and snoozing on "his" spot on "his" couch while watching "the girls" act crazy. Usually
pretty laid back, until you said
"w-a-l-k". Then he'd knock you over to grab "his" leash and take you for one.
Adam left us one cool September afternoon. Loving and patient to the end.